Friday, October 9, 2009

To the mountains - Global Impact Retreat

Hi Everyone and welcome back!
The whole Global Impact team recently headed to the mountains for a ministry retreat. It was a wonderfully refreshing and encouraging time for all.
The theme was, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
Our core beliefs were challenged in an excellent way that brought strength, comfort and revelation on a personal level.
We asked ourselves and God, What do we really believe about You, God..What do we believe about ourselves...what do we believe about our calling?
I encourage you to do the same thing. Ask God what you really believe, and then ask Him if what you believe is true..if not, ask Him to give you truth.

Loaded up and ready to go!

Some of the sights on our trip - Beach front property...

Coconut and banana trees.

The road we traveled on in the last part of our drive to the retreat. The view was well worth it!

The time we spent together as a family and a team was priceless.

Our beautiful daughter, Hope.

Hope and Nate getting ready for some great teaching and encouragement from Amy Muranko-Gahan, our ministry leader.

This is the meeting area. It is all open air and very comfortable..Island style!

Hope could have played during the meeting time but she wanted to stay with us and "take notes."

Amy and Kelly praying for team members.

"Your light broke through the night and restored exceeding joy."

It was so good to be out of the city and into the mountains for the beauty, peace and fresh air.