Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hi Everyone!
Here are some photos of a recent family outing we took to the mountains. It was so beautiful. The air was cooler and fresh. We had a great time enjoying being together as a family and the beautiful scenery around us. 
Hope sitting in a veranda high up in the mountains over looking the city where we live and the nearby ocean.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hi Everyone!
Many of you have asked us, "What are you doing in the Philippines?"
That is a great question! There have been many changes in our lives in the past year that have led us in that direction,  yet we are still surprised to be here!
Nate and I made a decision a long time ago to give our lives to God. That one decision resulted in lots of surprises God had for us, like our beautiful daughter Hope. 
From the time Nate and I were married, (almost 15 years ago) we began supporting missionaries through our church. And 5 years ago my sister, Laura and I went on a missions trip to Ukraine with our dear friend, Amy Muranko, the president and founder of Global Impact, a missions organisation. The main focus of our trip to Ukraine was to help street kids and orphans. That trip ignited a love for missions in Nate and me that we hadn't had before. We thought that someday, like when Nate sold our business, we could do more with missions.
That 'someday' came last July. Who would have thought that a business that made the bulk of it's income in the winter through snow removal and ice control in Illinois would sell in the middle of summer when we were in California?! Only God could surprise us like that!
A few days after our business sold, Amy invited us to the mission field in the Philippines where she has a ministry base. We knew in our hearts that God was giving us this opportunity and after much prayer, we said yes. We arrived in late September.
The work is very rewarding and fulfilling. We love the work and the people. 
We hope you enjoy these photos and that they help answer the question, "What are you doing in the Philippines?"

Wow... We are really here!!

It is so good to be with our dear friend, Amy again! And in Asia! It was a surprise to us all!

God is so good.
The Troias join the Global Impact team in the Philippines. Pictured from left to right:
 Jasmin, Glen and Sarah (Base Leaders) Their son Ethan, Kim, Amy Muranko, (President and Founder)  and Hope, Kelly and Nate. The newest members.
(photo taken in the yard at the base)
Young Global Impact team members. Our daughter Hope, The base leaders' children, Ethan and Jasmin.  The kids pray for one another and others at the base and on ministry outings.
This photo was taken in the yard at the base.
Hope, Ethan and Jasmin 'just jumping!' 

Before we came to the Philippines, Nate, Hope and I  stayed with our friends, The Shannons in California. (Sheree Shannon Is sitting across from Kelly) Her son Caleb came with us to the Philippines and after the first week Sheree joined us. Those first two weeks here were made even more special by sharing it with our friends. We went to dinner at a cool restaurant set high up in the hills overlooking the city. The walls are open to the outside and the rice was served on banana leaves.We had a great time. Also pictured are  Matt, from U.S. and Global team member DonDon. And that is a team member, Kim from New Zealand on Hope's right.
From left to right: Christiopher, 16 yrs. old. He is a young man that DonDon (team member in the middle) has been mentoring. And Caleb is on the left.
Caleb is our close friends', Dave and Sheree's son that came with us to the Philippines in Sept. and stayed 2 weeks. He is 12 and had the trip was fantastic for him. He became good friends with both Christiopher and DonDon. Caleb preached at a youth meeting and learned guitar with DonDon. Caleb prayed and served and touched people everywhere he went. We were so happy and blessed and thankful he came. We love and miss him and his brothers back in California. We hope to see the whole family come for a missions trip one day soon! 
This is Caleb on the road in front of the mission's base. A picture is worth a thousand words...