Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hi Everyone!

After 10 months in Davao City, we finally took some time to rest and get away. We flew to Manila and ended up extending our stay from 3 days to a full week. It was great!

One of Nate's new friends was able to get an incredible deluxe suite at a very nice hotel for next to nothing for us
We experienced favor and blessing like never was so encouraging to us.

Hope just laughed and ran and bounced all over that hotel!
And she "swam" in the bath tub 2 or more times a day. (We haven't even seen a tub in 10 months)

It rained most of the time, but we didn't care! We a had such a good time and enjoyed everything away.

The only sad part was saying good bye to  our dear friend Khristina. She left for the U.S. the morning after we arrived in Manila.  Coming home with out her was sad for us.

Don't you love it when God knows just what you need and brings it to you in such a special way?
When we returned to our home in Davao, there was a surprise waiting for us!

Friends from California had sent  a box full of wonderful things for us and it had finally arrived the day we did!
Such a great home coming!

Thank you so much to all the wonderful ladies who gave so much to bless us!! 
We pray that God pour out such a blessing on each one of you and your house holds that you will not be able to contain it and your joy will full in all things!

Hope you enjoy the photos.
Hope in front of the view from the hotel room in Manila.

Our dear friend, Khristina stayed one night with us in Manila before she left for the States the next morning.

It was so nice to see actual lanes in a road again after almost a year.. and medians...manicured medians! Oh, and street lights...the things we take for granted! : )

Kelly & Hope in a taxi in Manila, so excited to be there!
Hold on tight! Wow, was that wind strong!
We were bracing ourselves - the winds from the tropical storm were so strong - See the palm trees? 

Driving up to the Mall of Asia - the globe is beautiful.

Hope loved riding the big Merry-Go-Round inside the mall.

Mary Grace is Hope's appropriate that this is a cake shop! We love you Mary!

Good Bye for now, Manila. This is the view from the plane. Hope loves the window seat.

School time, 'on the go'. Hope loves learning, where ever she is, even if it is on the plane!

A welcome surprise was waiting for us when we arrived back in Davao! Our dear friends and supporters sent us a box from home and we were beyond thrilled!

Our friends packed this box so tight and so full of things that we can't get here, things that brought so much comfort and love to us! Thanks Ruth and Sheree and all the Ladies from the Tuesday night bible study!! We love you!!

We were all so excited about receiving the box, but when Hope found a beautifully wrapped present just for her! Thank you for speaking her 'love language' Sheree. That was so thoughtful.

Ahh, the comforts of home!

Just what Hope needed! Clothes! Thank you Thank you!!

                                      WOW!!  Sparkly pink play dough!! Thank you Jen and Joe!!