I am very happy to say that we are all in good health again.
On the last day of the last camp Nate was not feeling well but thought it was from the water. It turned out, hours later that his appendix had ruptured and he had to have emergency surgery.
This is something we never wanted to experience, let alone in a 3rd world nation for crying out loud!
But I do have to say, I feel like my hand was 'held' through out the whole ordeal.
The doctors and nurses were excellent and our whole team was amazing.
Someone from our team stayed with us constantly. Amy was here.( Amy is the founder of this ministry) and Glen and Sarah Biggs, our base leaders, made sure we had the care and attention we needed. Glen and Sarah were at our house shortly after we called them at 4:30 am to take Nate to the hospital and Amy came right after and kept me from falling apart completely! Another wonderful team member, Juvy came to take care of Hope. Hope loves Juvy! Hope thought it was a fun play day and that is just what we wanted her to think.
After I came back from the hospital to check on Hope, I found that she had a slight fever. She acted like she was fine, running and playing...but soon she slowed and her fever got stronger.
She broke out in huge hives all over and off we went to the hospital!
All is well now, we got through it ok. We were all well taken care of and our team supported us to no end. Someone was with us around the clock, many times that someone was Amy. We had prayer, love, comfort, food, a clean house, and anything we needed. Our great friend Khristina took care of packing our bags and things at the house and even calling the States for us. Everyone was wonderful.
We want to thank you for your prayers and support. It means more to us that we can even begin to say.
The work we are doing here matters to a lot of people, and we know it matters to God. Being where God wants us, doing what He wants us to do is the safest place on earth, even if it is in the Philippines.
May God bless you and yours and keep you in His tender care.
The Troias