As I stood looking at this Christmas tree that was part of a yard sale where we were letting go of some of the last things we had stored, I realised that it would be the only tree I would light this year.
I wondered if, when and ...where I would light another.
Christmas of 2006 was this tree's first and last Christmas in our home in Illinois where we were born and raised. Our last Christmas at home as we new it.
As this tree stood lit in a friend's drive way, I thought back over the events that led us here.
In December of 2006 while celebrating Christmas with my side of the family at my mother and step dad's house I had the feeling that it would be the last one of its kind.
How true that was.
The following November we decided to move to California while visiting there and stayed.
My step father died 2 weeks later and my mother died on Christmas day.
I knew the call was going to come telling me that my mom was gone and I wanted to be as close to God as possible when it did. One way I do that is to go to the beach.
God knew and He did someting so special as I sat bundled against the cold, something He knew I would understand. Showing His love for me and mom, as I received that call, the sky lit up brighter than any Christmas tree ever could, brighter than a thousand - He lit the skies over the water with a brilliant bright heavenly silver as far as the eye could see. A silver like nothing I had ever seen before or since.
Mom had always loved Christmas. That day she would celebrate Christmas in Heaven.
Whenever and where ever in this world I light another Christmas tree of our own, in the Philippines where God has called us as missionaries or in some other place, I will think of mom's love and of God's love and the hope that we have in that Love.
Although I know our Christmases will not be the same as they were, I pray that they will always matter. And that the most important thing is that we all one day, together , will celebrate Christmas in heaven.
May God's tender mercies and richest blessings be made known to you and yours this Holy Season.
With Love,
Kelly Troia
Mom quoted this scripture most -
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him might not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16