Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Prayer & Counseling Room!!

Hi Everyone!

We are so thankful for our new Prayer & Counseling room at the base! A wonderful couple (who does not want to be named) gave the finances to create this warm, comfortable and inviting place.
Nate and I (Kelly) really enjoyed working together to put this important room together.
I have the honor of using it for prayer ministry on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 9am-12 noon. I will meet with leaders, missionaries, local Filipinos, former street kids, new Christians..all different people from several different heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives ". (Isaiah 61)

When people experience pain and trama in their lives, one of the first things that is effected is their soul - their minds, memories, imagination, emotions and their will. Their veiw of themselves, and God is often cloaked with painful lies that they believe. Like: "I am worthless, no good, shameful and no one wants me or loves me..I am rejectable, stupid..I do not matter..I have to prove myself" (just to name a few)
God wants us to experience His love and His Truth. For real. In real life.
During prayer ministry, Jesus gives His truth..what happens is miraculous. The person receives freedom .. painful memories become peaceful and calm.
Because, Jesus is Who He said He is..He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. All who call upon Him will be saved.
And now we have a beautiful room to receive the precious people God sends to us.

Thank you so much for caring, for giving..for praying, for believing...

We love you all,
The Troias