Thursday, September 17, 2009

In the Philippines, Praying..Teaching.. Feeding.. Loving

Hi Everyone,
This has been a very full month for us.
Here are a few photos from some of our experiences on the mission field, together as a family, to the people of the Philippines.
God bless.
Personal prayer ministry is a a strong focus of what Kelly does. During a prayer session, the root cause of emotional pain is revealed and truth replaces debilitating lies people believed about themselves resulting in painful memories becoming peaceful and calm.

Receiving truth from the only One who is Truth, Jesus, brings freedom and joy!

It is a wonderful experience to be able to pray with so many Filipino people and for them to experience the love of Christ and His incredible freeing, liberating healing in their lives.
Kelly was asked to teach on the subject of the Believer's Authority and freedom.
The white board notes were made by a team member. The class is now in it's 4th week.

White board notes made by another team member on the 2nd week.
When Jesus said, "Go into all the world..." He also gave us the authority to do it - we have needed every ounce of what He has given as we have lived as missionaries here in the Philippines.
Hope had been playing in the house in her ballet dress and heard the kids at the gate. She hurried and put on her rain boots! She was sorry to see that they were all wet from the rain and alone and hungry..but so glad she heard them and called for us to help.

Pancakes left over from our breakfast make the kids smile and seeing them again makes us smile. We are so glad they
know that we are here and that they can come to us..if even for breakfast.
Hope is always relieved when we can help. This is the ministry that is already dearest to her heart - the kids.
Nate prays for the little children as he works as a volunteer for a children's ministry on weekends. Loving and praying for the kids is a priceless way to be an extension of God's love in a real way. At the end of the services the kids surround him.