Sweet faces of some of the youngest that are ministered to. The kids love to have Nate pick them up and love on them or several will climb up in his lap and and rest against him. He holds them and quietly prays for them. They love the time and attention Nate gives them.
For some, the hot bread and juice they get here will be their only meal that day.
Nate's heart breaks for the kids and their needs.
Nate, along with giving lots of attention and love to the kids, also helps out with security and crowd control.
It is wonderful how involved the kids are and so responsive. Through out the crowd they are yelling out their memory verses. It is music to the ears! There are about 6000 kids that are reached in 2 services on the weekends. And all under a huge circus tent. Even though the needs can be overwhelming at times, serving the kids is one thing
Nate loves most on the mission field here in the Philippines. And we thank God for this opportunity to be a part of helping spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to whom ever He sends us to. We thank God that someone did it for us. It has made all the difference in our lives and we pray it will in theirs too.
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